Impacts of Green Revolution on cropping pattern in Punjab, India
Punjab, agriculture, green revolution, mono-cropping, wheat, rice, fertilizersAbstract
The present paper analyse the impact of green revolution on the agriculture of Punjab. The Indian state
Punjab is famous as the “Granary of India” due to astounding progress in its agriculture after the green
revolution of late 1960s. With nearly 83 percent area under agriculture, the share of agriculture sector to
the state's SGDP (Gross State Domestic Products) is 22 percent. The successful introduction of green
revolution led to many positive and negative changes in the agriculture scenario of Punjab. Along with the
agricultural machinery, the net sown area and net irrigated area got amplified. The area under wheat and
rice increased sharply after the popularity of HYVs seeds of these crops. Punjab's contribution of wheat
and rice to the central pool become commendable due to the high production and high yield per hectare of
these crops. A trend of mono-cropping (wheat and rice) got established in the state of Punjab after the
green revolution. The area under other crops reduced drastically which adversely affected the health of the
soil of Punjab. The repetitions of wheat and rice resulted into the loss of macro and micro nutrients of the
soil. To tackle this problem and to maintain the level of production, the consumption of fertilizers
increased at such a level that the state became the largest user of fertilizers in the country