The Study of the Drainage Basin Morphometry of Papagni River Basin, Andhra Pradesh


  • Narender Verma Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005


Bifurcation Ratio, Drainage Density, Relief Ratio


The present paper attempts to study the morphometric characteristics of Papagni
River Basin, a tributary of Pennar River in south India using ASTER DEM. Morphometric
analysis of a river basin provides a quantitative description of the drainage system, which is
an important aspect of the characterization of basins. Morphometric analysis using GIS
techniques coupled with remote sensing data is more suitable to analyze the drainage basin
characteristics as it provides the real time and accurate information related to distinct geological
formations, landforms and help to identify the drainage channels which are altered by natural
forces or human induced activities. From the relief distribution of the basin it is inferred that
major part of the basin has low relief and is in the old stage of geomorphic cycle. This is
clearly indicated from the low values of dissection index as well as ruggedness index which
are less than 0.15 for three fourth of the basin area. The sigmoid shaped hypsometric curve
also indicates towards the old stage of the basin with majority of the sub-basins having
integral value between 0.20 and 0.45. The linear and areal aspect of the basin reveals that the
basin is normal, near-elongated and geologically less disturbed




How to Cite

Verma, N. . (2022). The Study of the Drainage Basin Morphometry of Papagni River Basin, Andhra Pradesh. National Geographical Journal of India, 61(04), 419–434. Retrieved from