Morphometric Analysis of Baitarani Drainage Basin, Odisha


  • Siva Prasad Panda Department of Geography, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha


Dranage basin, morphomeric parameters, stream ordering, ratio bifurcation


Basin morphometry is a means of numerically analysing or mathematically quantifying
different aspects of a drainage basin. In the present study, an attempt has been made to
carryout morphometric analysis of the Baitarani basin.The morphometric parameters
considered for analysis include the linear, areal and relief aspects of the basin. The Baitarani
basin covers an area of 10,982 sq km. It is a 6th order drainage basin that is characterised
with dendritic drainage pattern. The mean bifurcation ratio is 4.58 which indicate that the
basin is largely controlled by structure. The basin has medium drainage density of 0.64 per
and is elongated in shape. The length of overland flow values of the basin is 3.13,
indicating high relief. The study has strengthened in understanding the hydrological, geological
and geomorphological characteristics of the Baitarani basin.




How to Cite

Panda, S. P. . (2022). Morphometric Analysis of Baitarani Drainage Basin, Odisha. National Geographical Journal of India, 62(3), 217–230. Retrieved from

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