Hydro-geochemical investigations of arsenic rich groundwater using multivariate statistical analysis


  • N M Refat Nasher Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environment, Jagannath University, Bangladesh and Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Japan.
  • Sharmin Zaman Emon Scientist, Centre for Advanced Research in Sciences (CARS), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Correlation, weathering, dissolution, principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA)


Multivariate statistical analysis has been applied to assess the chemical characteristics of high
arsenic groundwater from the central-southern part of Bangladesh. A total of 43 shallow groundwater samples were collected and analyzed. The groundwater is almost neutral. The results of
cations and anions trends are Na>Ca>Mg>K and HCO3>Cl>SO4>NO3
, respectively. Alkalinity
has a significant positive correlation with Mg, Ca and K suggesting silicate weathering as the
major process of controlling groundwater geochemistry. The significant positive correlation
between Na and Cl indicates the seawater intrusion into groundwater. The R-mode cluster allows variables into four groups. Alkalinity, Mg, K in the first and Ca in the second, Na and Cl in
the third cluster indicate silicate weathering and carbonate dissolution and seawater intrusion,
respectively. R-mode factor analysis allows variables into four components having eigen values
more than 1 which represent 72.5% of total variances. Component 1 positively loaded with K,
Mg, P, and alkalinity suggest silicate weathering. Component 2 positively loaded with Na and Cl
suggests seawater influences groundwater. Component 3 positively loaded with Ca suggest the
carbonate dissolution. The Q-mode cluster analysis represents the highest Fe concentrations




How to Cite

N M Refat Nasher, & Sharmin Zaman Emon. (2023). Hydro-geochemical investigations of arsenic rich groundwater using multivariate statistical analysis. National Geographical Journal of India, 69(1). Retrieved from https://ngji.in/index.php/ngji/article/view/767


