Spatial linkage of Poverty Determinants in District Ambedkar Nagar : A Geographical Perspective


  • Siddharth Shankar Rao Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005
  • A. P. Mishra Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005


Rural poor, poverty determinants, spatial linkage of poverty, SCs poverty


The problem of poverty is more acute in rural areas. Rural poor do not afford basic
minimum needs that are reflected in their pattern of spatial location. Rural poor are more
isolated than urban poor. They are differentiated not only in terms of the intensity of deprivation
but also functionally in terms of their social participation and position in the structure of
agrarian relations. Accordingly the effect of different factors that determine the incidence of
rural poverty significantly varied between different segments of the rural society. The incidence
of rural poverty is determined by different socio-economic and political factors, such as
distribution of SC/STs population, small size of landholdings, daily wage labourers, marginal
workers, poor infrastructure facility, access to education facility, poor health quality, low
level of political participation etc. The determinants of poverty have its own linkages with
evolving nature of society and space. The present study focuses on various poverty
determinants, social pattern of poverty and its spatial interlinkage to rural poor in Ambedkar
Nagar district.




How to Cite

Rao, S. S. ., & Mishra, A. P. . (2022). Spatial linkage of Poverty Determinants in District Ambedkar Nagar : A Geographical Perspective. National Geographical Journal of India, 62(4), 351–362. Retrieved from