Evolving Methodology to Capture Qualitative Data: A Case of Women Domestic Workers


  • Sumita Kumari Department of Geography, Institute of Science, B.H.U. Varanasi
  • Arun Kr. Singh Mahila Mahavidyalaya, B.H.U. Varanasi


methodology, qualitative research, domestic women worker, FGD's, PRA


To understand the live reality of domestic women worker's (DWW's), we need to have a proper definition
and methodology to specify the problem of domestic women workers belonging to an affected group. In this,
we are trying to use appropriate methods to capture the data related to the DWW's. For this here we are
using a qualitative approach to obtain in the data. Qualitative methods are an exploratory method of inquiry
that typically involves investigating an unknown subject matter, sensitive topics, or difficult to access
populations. It is an approach rather than a particular set of techniques. This paper focuses on the rationale
qualitative methods used to examine the methodology to capture the live reality of the DWW's of Varanasi
city. The qualitative nature of this study reveals insight through it focuses on emerging themes and pattern
that developed over the time. Methods used included 400 samples (340 part-time DWW's and 60 employers) which were collected from the four different zones of Varanasi city by purposive sampling technique
(mainly used snowball sampling). It also included participant observation; pre/post survey; a collection of
data through interviews, FGD's (Focus Group Discussions) and PRA (Participatory Research Action) with
DWW's and their employer. In-depth interviews were further transcribed and analysed through NVIVO
software. The implication of this study provides one example of a qualitative study of the live reality of the
DWW's that outline the various methods used to research in phenomenology and interpretive settings




How to Cite

Kumari, S. ., & Singh, A. K. . (2022). Evolving Methodology to Capture Qualitative Data: A Case of Women Domestic Workers. National Geographical Journal of India, 65(2), 187–197. Retrieved from https://ngji.in/index.php/ngji/article/view/47


