Gender, Space and Development: A Theoretical Perspective
Development, Gender, Space, Society and Women.Abstract
Gender is defined as a socially constructed category that carries with it expectations
and responsibilities that are not biologically determined. Space is constructed out of continuous
co-existence of social inter relations. Women’s space is defined as women’s access to and
control over material resources (food, income and land ) and social resources (knowledge,
power and prestige) within the family, in the community and society at large. Gender roles
are thus seen as constructed in part through our culturally experienced bodies and the ways
men and women experience their bodies becomes a part of their experience of gender and
gender relations (Raju, 2001). The role of women and men in the development process has
received much attention in the last few decades. This paper attempts to discuss conceptual
framework of geography of gender and theoretical perspectives on Women in Development
(WID), Women and Development (WAD), Gender and Development (GAD) and Gender and
Space .The geography of gender explores the way space is implicated in articulated gender