Estimation of Irrigation Water Requirement for Paddy Cultivation in Parts of Hirakud Command Area, Orissa, Using RS & GIS Techniques
Reference evapotranspiration, Vegetation index, Crop Water Requirement, Irrigation Water Requirement, Crop coefficientAbstract
In this study an attempt has been made to extract information on water demand for
paddy at the distributary level. An estimation of Irrigation water requirement for paddy
cultivation in the central part of the Hirakund Command Area towed by distributaries Babebira
and Bugbuga with command area of 1662 ha and 1211 ha respectively was carried out using
remote sensing & meteorological data in a GIS environment. The overall irrigation water
requirement when considering an average irrigation application efficiency of 85% were
estimated for Baberia Distributory & Bugbuga Distributory for the month of January, Feburary
& March. Irrigation water requirement highly correlated with crop water requirement due to
absence of monsoon during rabi season in the study area. The present study establishes the
importance of Geospatial Technology in estimation of crop water requirement and irrigation
water requirement.