Urbanization in South and South West Asia Characteristics and Consequences


  • Ram Bali Singh Department of Geography, Institute of Sciences, Banaras Hindu University


urbanization urban growth, megacity, informal sector, urban landscape, up-gradation of cities, metropolitanization


Forces of urbanization, industrialization and socio-economic transformation seem to be mutually
reinforcing. However this has not happened in many developing countries more so in some countries of
South and South West Asia. These countries witnessed the evolution and growth of one of the earliest
urban-based civilizations during the ancient period and development of processing and manufacturing
activities during the pre-colonial period. During the colonial period the spatial system that could develop
and the economic structure that could evolve did not conform to the national needs. The rural-agriculture
sector was neglected and the urban-industrial sector remained constricted resulting in a dualistic nature
of the national space economy. A lopsided pattern of spatial linkages and an unarticulated spatial system
strengthened further the forces of dualism. The countries of the South and South West Asia are now
implementing development strategies to remedy the situation and achieve the much sought after goal of
sustainable urbanization and a balanced spatial distribution of population and development opportunities. The present paper examines the level of urbanization, rate of urban growth and size distribution of
urban centers in 10 countries of the South and South West Asia during 1975-2025 and highlights the
consequences flowing from the existing pattern with an objective to guide the formulation of future development policies




How to Cite

Singh, R. B. . (2022). Urbanization in South and South West Asia Characteristics and Consequences. National Geographical Journal of India, 64(3-4), 8–22. Retrieved from https://ngji.in/index.php/ngji/article/view/447