Medical waste management in Khulna City Corporation, Bangladesh


  • Jafrin Sultana Jeba Environmental Science Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh
  • Md. Mujibor Rahman Environmental Science Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh


Medical waste management, challenges and risks


Management of medical waste or Clinical Solid Waste(CSW) is a major challenge for developing world
and poor countries. In a developing country like Bangladesh, poor and inappropriate handling of medical
waste continuously increases health risks, as well as environmental risks thus treatment and management
of Health-Care Waste (HCW), are important here. This study reviews the current situation of medical
waste management (MWM) and practices in Khulna City Corporation, Bangladesh, and examines
possible solutions for further study. Both qualitative and quantitative data were used in this study. The
study was conducted in 30 HCEs (Health Care Establishments) within Khulna City Corporation. The
Result of the study unveiled an unsatisfactory management system in the surveyed HCEs.The entire city
corporation's waste management is looked after through a public-private partnership between City
Corporation and Prodipan(NGOs). Everyday 3509kg wastes are generated from HCEs within the City
Corporation. Only 28% of the waste handling process related personnel claimed that they got training,
none of this HCEs has their waste transportation (off-site transportation) facilities and for waste
management, they entirely depend on City Corporation and Prodipan. For waste management, absence
necessary plan and monitoring team makes it more difcult, only 33% of the surveyed HCEs showed their
satisfaction for their manpower in this sector. Only 3.3% Health-Care Establishments (HCEs) have
claimed that they have their distinguished treatment facilities for specic non-hazardous wastes.
Insufcient collection and storage facilities, inadequate transportation and disposal facilities. The nding
also demonstrates that segregation practices were not satisfactory in public and small HCEs.
Arrangement of training and awareness program, appropriate plan, skilled staffs, proper storage facilities,
regular monitoring are recommended to achieve an efcient medical waste management system.




How to Cite

Jeba, J. S. ., & Rahman, M. M. . (2022). Medical waste management in Khulna City Corporation, Bangladesh. National Geographical Journal of India, 66(4), 306–319. Retrieved from


