Regional Development and Disparities in Jaunpur District, Uttar Pradesh


  • Dinesh Kumar Department of Geography, Institute of Science, BHU, Varanasi
  • S. P. Mishra Department of Geography, Institute of Science, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.


regional development, disparity, z score, composite index


Regional development is concerned with uniform growth and overall development of
any area according to its potentialities and capabilities. Regional disparity is the outcome
of imbalanced regional development that varies from region to region depending upon
socio-cultural, economic and demographic characteristics.This paper attempts to deal
with the analysis of regional development and disparities in Jaunpur district of Uttar
Pradesh.The study area is situated in Eastern Uttar Pradesh of the Middle Ganga Plain.The
study is exclusively based on secondary data collected at block level from different
offices.The data were tabulated and analyzed using statistical methods like mean, standard deviation (SD), Z score and inter correlation matrix. Micro Soft excel and Arc GIS
10.2 software have been used for computation and cartographic presentation.There are
38 variables selected from four sectors (social, agricultural, infrastructural and industrial) to measure the regional disparities in the levels of development. The analysis reveals
that Dharmapur and Sikrara blocks hold top position in high level of development while
Shahganj block is at the bottem in terms of low level of development.The geographical
factors like terrain condition, quality of soil, drainage, water logging, transport network
and urban centers have been observed to hold major impact in the level of development
in district.




How to Cite

Kumar, D. ., & Mishra, S. P. . (2022). Regional Development and Disparities in Jaunpur District, Uttar Pradesh. National Geographical Journal of India, 63(04), 78–91. Retrieved from


