Intra-Regional Variation in Industrial Development in Mau District, Uttar Pradesh


  • Mumtaj Ahmad Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
  • Mahtab Alam Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.


Regional analysis, block wise variations, industrial development, employment and investment


Industrialization plays a crucial role in the economic development of a region but many
regions face the regional disparity in the development of industry mainly due to natural as
well as historical process of development. In the present paper, an attempt has made to
analyze the intra-regional disparity in Mau district. Mau district has suffered from intraregional disparity and inequality. Some blocks of this district are very advanced in the
development of textile industry and some blocks are very backward in textile industries due
to inefficiency of different facilities like infrastructure, government policies and their planning.
The present work is entirely based on secondary sources of data which is collected from
Sankhyaki Patrika (Govt. of Uttar Pradesh). This paper tries to point out the causes of intraregional disparity of the regions and also explain the consequences of intra-regional variations
in industrial development. In the present work simple percentage method has been used for
the analysis of data to demarcate the regional disparity. Policy measures have also been
suggested to reduce the intra-regional disparity and to achieve the overall growth and
development of industries in the regions.




How to Cite

Ahmad, M. ., & Alam, M. . (2022). Intra-Regional Variation in Industrial Development in Mau District, Uttar Pradesh. National Geographical Journal of India, 61(03), 277–286. Retrieved from