Harbans Lal Chhibber : A Bibliography


  • Sarfaraz Alam Department of Geography, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi ,U.P. - 221005


Harbans Lal Chhibber, bibliography, academic path, economic geography, geology, geomorphology, geography, petrology, ceramic and mineral resource


This article maps the academic trails of late Prof. Harbans Lal Chhibber (1899-1955) with
the help of bibliography of his published and unpublished works. Prof. Chhibber was one of the
foremost earth scientists of India. During the course of over three decades of academic career
(1923-1955), he made seminal contributions in various sub-fields of geography, geology,
geophysics and ceramics. Only an exceptional scholar like him could contribute in such diverse
fields of knowledge. However, his writings are scattered in various books, journals, bulletins
and proceedings of seminars and conferences published from across the world. Therefore, an
exhaustive list of his research contributions is lacking. Though his bio-data, available with the
Indian National Science Academy (New Delhi), provides a reasonably extensive list of his published
works, it is by no means a complete one. Some of his works published prior to 1952 are not
given in this bio-data. Further, he published many papers and articles during the last three years
of his life. In view of this, the present article provides a comprehensive bibliography of the
research works of Harbans Lal Chhibber. It would benefit students and researchers interested in
his academic life and works




How to Cite

Alam, S. . (2022). Harbans Lal Chhibber : A Bibliography. National Geographical Journal of India, 61(02), 207–220. Retrieved from https://ngji.in/index.php/ngji/article/view/350