Health Dimensions of Human Well-being : An Exploration of Linkages and Major Issues


  • Ravi S. Singh Dept. of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
  • Satheesh Chothodi Dept. of General and Applied Geography, Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar, MP 470 003


Capability, Development, Health, Rural, Well-being


Well-being is central to human existence. Its study is over half-a-decade old and has
got enriched philosophically and empirically as indicated by the present state of discourse. It
is very important issue for societies like India where a visible rural-urban gap is found in
every respect. Improved state of human development is an indication of positive social
transformation and better well-being state of individuals. Human well-being is a multi
dimensional concept, which varies in space and time. The present paper attempts brief analysis
of varied dimensions of well-being with special reference to health. The analyses and
discussions are primarily based on published literature and secondary data sources




How to Cite

Singh, R. S. ., & Chothodi, S. . (2022). Health Dimensions of Human Well-being : An Exploration of Linkages and Major Issues. National Geographical Journal of India, 61(01), 45–60. Retrieved from

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